Fun & lifestyle

Devolutions is On The Move!

Devolutions is moving!
Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

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Hi everyone!

I can’t tell you (but I’ll try!) how excited we are at Devolutions right now. After looking forward to this moment for months, we’re finally ready to move into our brand new office this week!

This move is a crazy dream of ours that came true thanks, of course, to our customers worldwide who believe in our solutions. Our new head office is located in Lavaltrie, which is about a 30 minute drive from Montreal. Lavaltrie also happens to be David our CEO and my hometown, too – did we mention we’re very proud of our hometown? It’s grown so much over the years!

The Golf Course

As for how we found our happy new home, it’s a bit of a strange story. Here’s the short version: Lavaltrie once had a golf course that was sold to a real estate promoter a few years ago. The golf course doesn't exist anymore, but the clubhouse is still there.

We’d been searching for about six months to find a new space, and when we came across the clubhouse we immediately felt that it was perfect for us. There’s a lot of space, and the building design itself is ideal for an “open concept” software company like ours, which promotes collaboration and interaction. Plus, there’s plenty of space around us to welcome other technology businesses. We truly believe that we can create a kind of mini-Silicon Valley here with some of our friends currently based in the greater Montreal area.

At the moment, our new office is still partly under construction, as we’re making some improvements. Eventually, the plan is to use the basement for the gym (it’s currently on the second floor), the first floor for the entire development team, and the second floor for administration, sales and marketing. And of course, there’s also a conference room, kitchen, server room, game room (football tables, oh yeah!), and a really cool patio to cool off during summer.

Comment from David, Devolutions’ founder and CEO

I asked David for his thoughts and feelings about the move, and here’s what he had to say:

“I try to take a break every now and then, and zoom out so that I can grasp the big picture of where Devolutions has been for the past few years. What started as a personal project (in my basement, no less!) to fulfill my own needs as an IT consultant, is now an established company with a global footprint. In 2010 when I hired our first employees, there wasn't enough space for us, and so we moved to our current location. I never thought that just three years later, we would open a satellite office in Montreal and move our head office to a space 300% larger. I’d also like to add that, no matter where we've been or where we’ll go, our organizational culture will always strive to be one characterized by innovation, creativity, excellence and teamwork. Our new location is an important part of that commitment, and I can’t wait to see what will unfold next as we strive to truly become a major player in the IT industry. I couldn't be more excited about where we’re going, or more grateful to all our customers,employeesand partners for helping us get to this point. We've done so much together, but trust me, this is just the beginning!”

Come visit us!

We’ll be having a party to officially celebrate our new digs in the coming weeks, and have partnered with Centraide (Quebec’s largest philanthropic organization) to raise funds during the event. If you plan on being in the Montreal area, please feel free to contact me and we’ll gladly welcome you in our new office. Just send me an email at More pictures to come when construction is finished…


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