More good news! Juniper WSAM (Windows Secure Application Manager) is now fully integrated with Remote Desktop Manager (RDM). Download it here: WSAM joins other Juniper technologies that we’ve integrated with RDM, including Junos Pulse, Network Connect and Netscreen. This latest RDM add-on is thanks to a request that André, our senior programmer, received from a member of our amazing community. Thank you for telling us how we can make your life better! If you’d like to suggest a new add-on, email André at asanscartier@devolutions.netor leave a comment below. And don’t forget to scan our growing library of add-ons at: Best regards, Maxime PS: I’m not too familiar with Juniper WSAM, but I found a nice overview of this tool and how to use it at:***

What’s new in Devolutions Gateway 2025.1
Devolutions Gateway 2025.1 introduces new product integrations aimed at improving flexibility and management.