
What's New in Devolutions Server 2024.2

Discover the latest advancements in the Devolutions Server 2024.2 release, designed to enhance security, streamline access management, and improve user experience.

Adam Listek

As an IT specialist with over 20 years in the industry, I work hard to stay up to date on new and emerging technologies. Having worked in diverse fields from healthcare to higher education, I love new challenges and creating in-depth content to share with the world!

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Welcome to the Devolutions Server 2024.2 release overview! This version introduces several powerful enhancements aimed at bolstering security and simplifying management. Key features include the ability to seal entries for emergency access, limit allowed entries with content-type vaults, and implement conditional access based on user tags. Dive into the details below to see how these enhancements can elevate your DVLS experience.

About Devolutions Server

Before going over all the new Devolutions Server (DVLS) features, here is a quick overview for newcomers and a refresher for our existing users.

Devolutions Server is our globally popular, full-featured, self-hosted password management platform with customizable Privileged Access Management (PAM) components. Easily implemented and rapidly deployed, it delivers the core features of a comprehensive and scalable PAM solution — but at a sensible and affordable price for SMBs.

In addition, Devolutions Server seamlessly integrates with our centralized remote connection management solution, Remote Desktop Manager. Once paired, Devolutions Server + Remote Desktop Manager establish a robust all-in-one privileged account and session management platform that supports over 150 tools and technologies. Request a live demo here.

What’s new in Devolutions Server: A deeper look

Let’s take a closer look at the new additions in DVLS 2024.2. If you want to see the full list of changes and features, read the latest release notes.

Sealing entries for “break-the-glass” emergencies

File backups are critical to any IT infrastructure, which is just as true for accounts. These account passwords are rarely rotated but hold high privileges. Designate these special accounts as “sealed” to display a confirmation message to any user attempting access with notifications sent to all administrators.

Supported in Devolutions Server and Remote Desktop Manager as of version 2024.2.

Sealed entry in Devolutions Server
Sealed entry in Devolutions Server

Limiting allowed entries with content type vaults

Not all vaults are equal and not all entry types belong in a vault. With content-type vaults, limit the allowed entry types to specific types. Choose between a default (all entry types allowed), secret, business, or credential vault.

Choosing a content type for a new vault
Choosing a content type for a new vault

Adding new security reports to stay informed

Knowing who has access to what is critical, and four new security reports make this even easier. Drill down with filters for permission sources, individual permissions, and authentication types. These new security reports help you find the information you need or schedule recurring reports to review regularly.

  • Administrators
  • System
  • Devolutions Gateway
  • Entry
  • Vault

Display of the new security reports
Display of the new security reports

Limiting DVLS access conditionally based on user tags

Controlling access to DVLS prevents inadvertent mistakes and bad actors from gaining unauthorized access. Conditional access rules (found under Administration → Server settings) unlock powerful and flexible access control over your DVLS instance. Implement policies that deny external users access to DVLS outside business hours, with the new user tag support in conditional access policies. As a continuum of our prior release, the added functionality to user tags brings more functionality to this evolving feature!

Creating a conditional access policy with user tags
Creating a conditional access policy with user tags

Allowing direct recording playback in the DVLS web application

You have been able to access recordings from within Remote Desktop Manager, but for remotely saved recordings managed through Devolutions Server and Devolutions Gateway, there has yet to be a way to do so in the DVLS web application. With the new recordings tab for entries, you can access and download the recordings and play them directly in the DVLS web application!

Playing session recordings directly in DVLS
Playing session recordings directly in DVLS

The in-app recording playback requires the latest Devolutions Server release and at least Devolutions Gateway 2024.2.3.0.

Securing the RDM DVLS data source via a Microsoft Entra application proxy

There are many ways to secure external access to Devolutions Server. The Microsoft Entra application proxy offers a pre-authentication reverse proxy for remote access to internal network resources. With the new options for pre-authentication access, allow your RDM users to authenticate against the Microsoft Entra application first before accessing DVLS!

Enabling the RDM pre-authentication proxy for Devolutions Server
Enabling the RDM pre-authentication proxy for Devolutions Server

Enabling automatic password rotations with the infrastructure vault

The new infrastructure vault introduced in 2024.1 is the beginning of centrally managing your DVLS-specific accounts. With 2024.2, you can automatically rotate your management (application), IIS, and scheduler service SQL account passwords.

Automatic password rotation for infrastructure vault accounts
Automatic password rotation for infrastructure vault accounts

Launching VNC sessions (preview) with the DVLS web interface

The newest edition to web-launched sessions in DVLS is the old standby of VNC. With this addition, you can now launch RDP, PowerShell, SSH, Telnet, and even ARD sessions!

DVLS web application VNC session
DVLS web application VNC session

Authenticating Privileged Access Management AnyIdentity providers with linked PAM credentials

In the continued quest to remove hard-coded passwords, you may now use a linked PAM credential for the authentication credentials for PAM providers. You may even create multiple providers holding the linked credentials to ensure every provider has automatically-rotated credentials!

Using a linked PAM credential for an AnyIdentity provider
Using a linked PAM credential for an AnyIdentity provider

Adding better organization to PAM just-in-time elevation privilege sets

Until 2024.2, DVLS showed all available just-in-time elevation groups to all eligible PAM entries. Not all groups apply to all entries, and better organization and display of JIT elevation groups prevent confusion and the incorrect use of groups. Now, you may create sets of privileges assigned to entries to show what you want when you want it.

Creating JIT privilege sets for PAM entries
Creating JIT privilege sets for PAM entries

Displaying more descriptive names for just-in-time elevation groups

Included in the enhancements for JIT elevation group management is the option to add descriptive display names to groups. Help your users understand the group they request elevation with through better naming!

Adding descriptive names to JIT elevation groups
Adding descriptive names to JIT elevation groups

Implementing new DVLS API operations

In addition to the newly unveiled DVLS API in 2024.1, even more routes are added to help you further automate and integrate DVLS into your workflow!

  • /api/v1/vault/{vaultId}/entry - GET list of entries from a specific vault
  • /api/v1/vault/{vaultId}/entry/{id} - The additions of POST, PUT, and DELETE for a specific entry
  • /api/v1/vault - GET list of vaults
  • /api/vault/{vaultId}/entry - GET list of entries within a specific vault

Assign Gateway and PAM licenses per user

When adding a new or renewed Devolutions Gateway or Devolutions PAM license in Devolutions Server, you must assign the license to specific users up to the number of users included in your purchased license.

Important: If you were using the free side-by-side (same as the DVLS URL) Devolutions Gateway license, you must assign the license to individual users rather than a specific Gateway. This free license covers up to 5 users. You can find this license in the license management section, as well as all other product licenses.

Addition of Devolutions Gateway (Free) license
Addition of Devolutions Gateway (Free) license

Tell us what you think

We value your feedback! Many of the improvements in the Devolutions Server 2024.2 release are a direct result of user suggestions. Please continue to share your thoughts and experiences with us. The best way to provide feedback and request new features is through our forum, where you can engage with the entire community. You can also reach out to our support team or leave a comment below. We're here to listen and ensure that DVLS meets your needs.

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