Jenny Knafo

As Devolutions’ Product Marketing Specialist my role consist in staying up-to-date with the latest updates made to our software to create weekly technical blogs and tutorial videos to keep our clients informed. I am also in charge of the creation and overall successful organization of marketing events and trade-shows. I’ve worked in a corporate environment for a long time and it is a joy to be back to my roots and working again in the IT world.

Devolutions Under the Hood - SSO for Devolutions Account

As part of our ongoing focus on helping Sysadmins and other IT professionals enhance security and strengthen governance, I am delighted to announce that we have integrated Single Sign-On (SSO) for Devolutions Account.

What is SSO?

SSO is a centralized user authentication and session management service in which a single set of login credentials can be used to access multiple applications. For example, once users have logged into their primary Google account, they can access various Google services such as Gmail, YouTube, Google Analytics, etc.

In addition to increasing productivity and reducing help-desk tickets, SSO boosts security by centralizing identity authentication on secure servers. It also prevents end users from choosing weak passwords for various accounts — some of which might take hackers milliseconds to crack.

SSO + Devolutions Account

With SSO integration, when you log into your Devolutions Account, you will automatically be logged into all of Devolutions’ web services, including: Customer Portal, Online Database, Online Drive, Online Backup, Installer Service, Forum, and our Affiliate Program.

In the near future, we plan on integrating SSO with Devolutions Password Server, Devolutions Launcher, Devolutions Web Login, Remote Desktop Manager, and Devolutions Password Hub. In the next three months, we will also be supporting multifactor authentication (MFA) with SSO. So instead of one ring to rule them all, you will have one secure login credential that will allow you to access them all!

OpenID Connect

All SSO connections are authenticated with OpenID Connect, which is built on the OAuth 2.0 protocol (for authorization). This is a more modern approach used by enterprises like Microsoft and Google. It establishes an extra layer of assurance that login information is valid, which can then be used to facilitate identify federation.

From the Desk of Our CSO Martin Lemay:

“Our overall vision is to achieve the same level of transparency and security between our products as Microsoft. Integrating SSO with Devolutions Account — and soon across all of our other products — adding MFA, and working our way towards SOC 2 compliance, are key milestones that we expect to reach this year. We are always working to make our products more secure, while at the same time recognizing that our users need to be productive and efficient.”

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