Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

Devolutions June Poll Results - User Favorite VPN

June’s Poll Results: What’s Your Favorite VPN?

As you may remember, last month we asked you to share your favorite VPN, and tell us why you love it. We received plenty of responses on our blog and other social media channels, and there was a diverse mix of opinions.

Here's a list of the different suggestions we received from you guys:

  • OpenVPN
  • FortiClient
  • Juniper
  • SofEther VPN
  • SonicWall

Once again, thank you for participating in June’s poll. You guys are the best! Our team found the responses interesting and thought-provoking, and we had a few in-house discussions (OK, debates) based on the input we received…

And the winners are…

We’re happy to randomly select 2 poll participants who have each won a $25 Amazon gift card! And the winners are: Tyler Spore and Marcin Walter.

Congratulations! Please email me at jdupont@devolutions.net to claim your prize.

Stay tuned for July’s poll – it’s coming up!

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