Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

What Tools Do You Think EVERY IT Pro Should Use?: May Poll !

Hello RDMers! As an IT Pro, you surely have a set of tools that you just can’t imagine being without. These are the tools that make your life simpler, more productive, more enjoyable, and that integrate perfectly with your day-to-day life. So, we’d like you to think of your beloved tools, and share the BEST ones with our community. These are the tools that you can’t live without, and you can’t imagine anyone else can, either.

Your Top 3 Free and Paid Tools

Please share your best top 3 FREE tools, and top 3 PAID tools. And while we’d be honored and grateful if you had RDM on your list, please think of non-Devolutions tools so that we can generate a wide selection of responses. If you need any suggestions, check our this extensive list from well-known blogger Scott Hanselman : http://hanselman.com/tools Plus, here’s a list of the cool tools that some of the experts here at Devolutions use and couldn't live without:

Top FREE tools
  • Notepad++ --- A free source code editor which supports several programming languages running under the MS Windows environment.
  • WinMerge --- An open source differencing and merging tool for Windows.
  • Dropbox --- You know Dropbox I'm sure! ;)
  • SVN (Subversion) --- An open source version control system.
  • FireBug--- Tools for web development. Allows inspect, edit and monitor CSS, HTML, JavaScript and Net requests in any web page.
  • Fiddler --- A free web debugging tool which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet.
  • Evernote--- A popular software and services designed for notetaking and archiving. Pretty handy to remember everything.
Top PAID tools
  • SQL Server--- Microsoft's popular database. Most popular database amongst RDM users too.
  • LINQpad (Pro version)--- Lets you interactively query databases in a modern query language: LINQ.
  • Resharper --- Productivity and code refactoring plugin for Visual Studio
  • Photoshop CS6 --- Popular graphic design software by Adobe
  • SnagIT--- A screenshot program that captures video display and audio output
  • Parallels Desktop--- Lets you run Windows application like they were made for your Mac
  • Visual Studio--- The popular integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft

Share your Tools, Win a RDM License!

So…let’s go RDMers! Send in your list by commenting below, on our Facebook page, via Twitter, or you can email me as well at mtrottier@devolutions.net. At the end of the month, we’ll post the top picks, and award four lucky respondents with an RDM Enterprise license. Thanks!

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